Note that none of these forms are medical or legal advice. They have been provided to us by many concerned citizens. Every situation is unique, and every person should check with his or her own physician and or attorney.

Covid General Information

Click on this category to download general files such as our summary of how to contact your elected officials.

Empower Yourself

These are articles to help you learn more about how to protect your rights and take back your freedom. Note that none of these forms are medical or legal advice. They have been provided to us by many concerned citizens. Every situation is unique, and every person should check with his or her own physician and or attorney. 

Covid Injection Information

Note that none of these forms are medical or legal advice. They have been provided to us by many concerned citizens. Every situation is unique, and every person should check with his or her own physician and or attorney.


Most downloaded files

E4 St Joseph Nurse Testimony (Medical and Legal Exemptions)
R2 Religious Exemption Letter (Religious Exemptions)
7 Vaccination Refusal Form (Medical and Legal Exemptions)
Pfizer Fact Sheet Providers (Vaccine Fact Sheets)
4 Right to Refuse (Medical and Legal Exemptions)
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